Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Broome Time

Lets see if I can get much of this straight my picutres have been a help in sorting out the order.  The first night we arrived in Broome Sharon and I were both exhausted so it was early to bed.  The next day we were keen to go exploring and just wandered around for a bit.  We were magically drawn to the ocean since it is awesome and ended up at the town beach.  We chilled for a bit and then since it was so hot we decided to run through the kiddy sprinkler area.  There were a couple of stationary water guns that I had a mini water fight with some kids at.  The two guns couldn't really reach each other, but I accidentally wandered in between them while they were both being manned by a couple of kids.  Urged on by both Sharon and their Dad they managed to soak my through and through.  I got my revenge on Sharon by holding her under a tippy bucket when it dropped its water.  After that we were actually quite comfortable for a quite a while, but unfortunately got lost trying to find our way back to the hostel and Sharon ended up with big bruises, or red marks from her wet shorts.  I got the last laugh that time.

An interesting situation we observed on our walk was these two cars.  The one further in had no apparent exit without moving the car behind it.

That night we went down to the beach again to observe the Staircase to the Moon Phenomenon.  While it was not the most exciting scene, it was rather unique, and much like watching a sunrise or sunset, cool just not exciting.  Many people we had met at the hostel seemed to find the event underwhelming, as though they were expecting something more spectacular.
The next day was when I met my new BFF Dazz and another Aussie who is doing the big lap, Ben.  I think he and Sharon had been talking a bit already but I was cooking or about to cook some lunch and it was looking like we would have too much, again as I always seem to do, so I invited him to share the meal with us.  Turns out that he would not only play with me, games like frisbee, soccer and ping pong, but he also had a vehicle and instead of renting a scooter Sharon and I ended up getting rides from him to go to the beach.  We also played a lot of "That's what SHE said"  and laughed our asses off at jokes about men with no arms and no legs (not actual people with no arms or legs, it's mostly just a red herring).  We went and played some frisbee on the beach, which I turned out to be a lot worse at than what I remember, more wind lighter disc, that's my excuse.

Even though I felt pretty wiped when Dazz asked if I was up for going down to the beach the next day I agreed, and then a couple more girls got added to our group, Nicole from Sydney and Catherine from England.  One of them had reminded me I wanted to build a sandcastle while in Broome since the beach there is perfect for it.  We had a little picnic then got down to business, I mostly dug the lake, and made building materials readily avaiable.  It was an awesome day and an awesome sunset.

Beach team, Nicole, Sharon, Myself, Ben and Cat

 The final full day we had in Broome, Sharon and I for once did things a bit seperate.  I hit the beach with Dazz where we caught up with Nicole and Cat for a little bit, just relaxing and dipping in the ocean a bit rather than running around or undertaking major building projects.  Our group as it became, with Louise, also a pome who features more in later adventures, added in there at some point went out to the open air cinema to watch the movie 'Bran Nue Day'.  It was pretty good, and cool since there was a scene that feature the cinema that we were watching the film in.  (We watched it from the set I guess!).  We had pizza together afterwards and would have sat on the grass except it was wet, so we found out why the Aboriginals around town all hung out sitting on the pavement, dry beats soft any day.

The next day we (Sharon, Louise and I) said goodbye to this great group of friends we had made in such a short time, and Hello to Chauncy and the start of roadtrip south!  That my friends is a different story.

Until Next update!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hitching from Karratha to Broome with Sharon

Today is Sunday September the 6th 2010.  I am staying in the Grand Central Backpackers.  It is ghetto, old school building, not converted into a hostel very well but it was convenient and my walk to the train tomorrow will be extremely brief.  Anyhow I am here to start my blog from Karratha onwards.  Karratha was going to be on the blog but it might have to just get added later since this section is much more exciting.

It was early in the morning on Thursday August 26th 2010 when Sharon and I slung our packs and set forth from the house we had been living in for the past few months.  A sad place to have called home.  We trekked towards the main highway with little hope of finding a ride out of town, with most cars passing us seeming to merely be heading for work in the LIA (Light Industrial Area).  We made it just past the LIA when a ute pulled a U-turn to pick us up.  Apparently Jake decided on a second thought to come back and pick us up so that his Karma would be good.  Even with everything in the back it was a bit crowded in the front, and the person who was sitting in the middle had to change gears.  Jake was heading to Newman to check out a second hand motorcycle since none of his were running at the moment.  When he picked us up he offered to take us to Port Headland, which was the last town before a long stretch of nothing on the way to Broome.  We didn't realize it at the time, but PH is actually 50km past the turnoff to Newman, but he seemed happy to have us along and hopefully he got the good Karmic vibe he was looking for and everything worked out for his bike.  Sharon was shocked when we stopped at a roadhouse for a stretch and Jake got himself a beer while we were there.  I had ice cream.  A few more kilometers down the road he decided to also stop and get another out of the cooler he had in the back.  When he offered each of us a beer, I figured that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em and that it would be one less beer for him to drink and drive with.  He drove us all the way up to the main truck stop in Port Headland so that we would be able to get a ride from there.

We had a little break, got some lunch from the roadhouse, and then went to go over to the highway.  Before sticking our thumbs out, we decided that it would be a good idea to ask the truckies who were pointed north if they didn't mind a couple passengers going with them.  This is when we met Martin.  He and his friend were hauling a load up to Broome.  There was a bed in the back that one of us had to sit on, but we both ended up taking advantage of this luxury and had little naps.  I suppose I slept a bit awkwardly, you can decide for yourself.

I woke up in a place called the Sandfire Roadhouse.  I was shocked to see the intense contrast of dark green plants and bright red sand, the name was quite suitable.

 I rode shot gun the rest of the way to the Roebuck Roadhouse mostly swapping stories with Martin.  He had previously run import companies in both the U.S. and Australia with his ex-wife.  He fell back to trucking for a little while since they split less than a year ago, but plans to go back to the import business once he gets things sorted.  After he dropped us off, he even asked around the roadhouse there to see if anyone would take Sharon and I into Broome.  While I waited with my thumb out, after dark, in oncoming headlights, Sharon went and asked a vehicle stopped for fuel if they were able to take us.  The couple ended up shifting around all their luggage so that they could put the back seat up and take us into town, and even dropped us directly at our hostel.  They were quite an interesting duo!  Daniella, Frog and their son Banjo.  They were originally from Victoria, but spent 9 months out of the year on a boat in the Kimberlies fishing for Barramundi.  During the wet season they would go back to Victoria for the summer there!  Now that's dedication to chasing the sunshine!

That's all for this post, but stay tuned for an update of what happened in Broome and the Ride back south with team Chubb and Chauncy!